Big news for Tour de Force and MRH Technology Group

I am so excited to see that MRH Technology Group, the creator of Tour de Force has updated their web site. The new web site details new versions of the software and even states that version 4.0 is coming in the second quarter of this year.

This is so exciting to me. The old web site had not posted a news story since 2006, shortly before I left the company. I used to work for MRH Technology Group and was the original developer of the product before it was even coined “Tour de Force”. After Matt Hartman asked if I was interested in returning to work last year, I assumed that they were actively expanding but this is fantastic news indeed. With Mr. Hausman leading development now and a difference in our philosophies of the future direction of the product I decided to pass on returning to work for MRH Technology Group. After all being a stay at home dad is much more rewarding.

At any rate, I am very excited to see that the company is doing so well. With some loose ends still waiting to be tied up with my old employer, I am excited to see that they have moved forward. I look forward to being able to finalize my past relationship with them in the very near future.

2 thoughts on “Big news for Tour de Force and MRH Technology Group

  • March 18, 2008 at 4:04 am

    Everything is not always as it seems.

  • March 18, 2008 at 5:21 am

    That is too bad. I had big plans for my windfall. There are a lot of talented people that work for MRH Technology Group. I wish them the best.

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