CrossFit, Running, My Quest For Super Health Week 7


Valentines day. I took the night off to make a special dinner for the family.


Elizabeth (modified)

21, 15, 9 reps


This ended up being a frustrating workout. The prescribed workout calls for 135lb cleans which I was pretty sure I could handle. But, as is usually the case, I thought I should start with 95lbs and work up to 135lbs on the 2nd and 3rd sets. The 95lbs was brutal. Even with much less weight, I had to pause to catch my breath by about the 16th set. The latter sets were the same, I had to pause about half way through. The dips were also just as bad. I had done my normal warmup of situps, pushups, squats, pullups and dips before the workout. I used 54lbs of assistance weight on the 15 rep dips knowing that I had dips in my workout today. But it was hard enough that I kept the assistance weight for the workout. Really thought I could handle this workout as prescribed but I didn’t come close.



Went to a local middle school track and ran repeats. Warmed up and cooled down with a very gentle 400m.

2 sets
100m, 200m, 400m

Much harder and slower than I thought I would be. Even 400s are hard for me at any type of speed.


5 x 5 bench press

3 rounds
20 situps
max rep pullups

Bench press is still ridiculously weak. Set weights 104, 154, 154, 154, 154. Situps were done flat with feet anchored by a 14lb medicine ball. Form was really failing by around 15 reps. The pullups went better than I expected. I dropped my assistance weight to half of what I normally use, which was 54lbs. I managed 10, 9 and 9 reps. Best results so far.




Ran with Jameson as my pace car. My son Jameson was riding his bike and I let him set the pace. Luckily, a 7 year old can only ride so fast. On the way out he would ride ahead and wait on me and then on the way back he was more fatigued and I would run ahead while he would catch his breath. Then he would overtake me. Very nice day on the trail. Fantastic to get outside.



Very sore legs apparently from my short run with Jameson on Saturday. Not really sure why all of the pain today. Seems out of the blue.

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