Dr. Kimberly Cull suspended by medical board

Do you ever have those moments when you realize that you are indeed very blessed?

Dr. Cull was my wife’s physician and delivered both of our children. There were complications with Jameson’s birth but luckily both my wife and son were ok minus some bruising. In hindsight there were many people at the time questioning our choice in an Obstetrician. My wife had been with Dr. Cull for years and it just didn’t make sense for her to change based solely on rumor.

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New year, more exercise and better food choices

Well, it’s official, I’m overweight. I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago and topped the scale at 234lbs. Now that isn’t too crazy considering I’m 6’6″ tall, but still overweight nonetheless. I am most comfortable around 220 to 225. I noticed an additional problem after visiting the Dr. for a physical. I have high cholesterol. My Dr. isn’t concerned because my good cholesterol is quite high, but my overall cholesterol was around 221.

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