Protein Vegetarian Vegan Diets Facts
photo by richardmasoner
Interesting web site for the vegetarians in my life. Most people criticize the vegetarian lifestyle, claiming that it is difficult to get enough protein. While I agree, that vegetarians should be aware of their protein intake, the vegetarians in my life are quite healthy.
This web site has a small table, of common vegetarian food sources and their protein amounts.
“The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for the average, sedentary adult is only 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. To find out your average individual need, simply perform the following calculation:
Body weight (in pounds) X 0.4 = recommended protein intake
EXAMPLE: A 130-pound person needs about 52 grams of protein per day”
Read more at the compassionate cook
Thanks for the photo credit.
The main protein concern is not getting enough of the full complex of amino acids required for human survival. Dairy and eggs provide ‘complete’ proteins for those that roll that way, but vegans need to take a little more care in the vegetable proteins they consume. Soy protein is considered a complete protein.
This website has a helpful chart showing sample foods and a sample daily meal (to get enough amino acids).