Heirloom tomato and pepper sale

Selling many different varieties of peppers and tomatoes and maybe a few other surprises. Most plants are between 6 and 10 weeks old. The perfect size for setting out on the first of June. The varieties are guaranteed to be unique and unusual even for local heirlooms.

Sale is Sunday, May 31st from 8:00am to 9:00am only. Sale will end early if all plants are sold.

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Free seed planting, graph paper for common plug or cell flats.

I have created three pdf documents for the three different plug flats that I have purchased for this season. 72 is the common size, but I also have 50 cell and 128 cell documents. Why the different sizes? Simply, different sizes of plants benefit from different sizes of cells. Small slow growing plants like onions and leeks do well in the 128 cell, and large extremely fast growing plants like melons, cucumbers do well in the 50 cell flats.

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