Tips from a dad: speed diaper changes

I keep thinking of how little I knew when I first had a child and how much more I know now. Some of my knowledge is worthless. Actually, most of it is worthless but some might be useful for parents.

So, here it is, my first piece of advice:

How to change a diaper

My advice really has nothing to do with the actually process of changing the diaper. It is all in the setup. Most parentsĀ  carry around towels or plastic mats to prevent any ugliness from being transferred to whatever surface they are using to change the diaper. My advice is throw them away. The clean diaper serves the purpose beautifully and makes diaper changing faster.

Just unfold the clean diaper underneath your baby just like you were going to put the diaper over top of the dirty one. The diaper slides easily underneath and is easy to position. Then remove the dirty diaper, clean your baby and pull up the clean diaper and fasten. The beauty is that the clean diaper protects from messes if accidents occur and the diaper’s surfaces are both smooth and coarse. The coarse side keeps it in place underneath the dirty diaper, and the smooth side allows the dirty diaper to slide out without pulling the clean diaper with it.

Try it, you will be amazed.

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